Youth and Climate in the Global South
Seeking a Research Assistant
May-September 2025, 5 hours/ week, $23-28/ hour
Deadline for application: 25 March 2025
As part of a collaborative research between the University of Guelph and the International Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands we are undertaking a systematic literature review on “Youth and climate in the global south”, based on peer reviewed academic literature and relevant grey literature.
We are looking to hire a research assistant to support us in this activity. The ideal candidate:
- Is a current graduate student at UofG
- Can demonstrate affinity with youth studies and/or climate related debates
- Has excellent writing and academic referencing skills
- Can work independently and respect deadlines
- Previous experience in undertaking literature review (outside coursework) is preferred
The position starts 01 May 2025, entails remote working, about 5 hours per week with a pay of $23-28/hour. The RA will work with Dr. Roy Huijsmans (ISS) and Dr. Sharada Srinivasan (UofG).
If you think this position is right for you, please email Dr. Sharada Srinivasan <> by 25 March 2025: (1) a statement (200-250 words), (2) a recent CV, and (3) a list of 5 references (out of which 3 should pertain to peer reviewed academic literature) related to the topic.